Appeal for Reception Class Place

Admission Appeals 

You can appeal for a reception class place if:

  • You applied for admission to reception for the 2025-26 school year, and
  • Your child was not offered a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (16th April 2025)

The appeal hearing is an opportunity for:

  • The Inspiration Trust (admission authority) to explain why your child was refused a place at the school
  • You to explain why you want your child to go to the school


Before you appeal:

You should read advice about school admission appeals for parents and guardians on GOV.UK.


Infant Class Size Appeals:

There is a legal limit for infant class sizes. Classes in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can have a maximum of 30 children per teacher.

Your right to appeal for a reception class place is limited if you’re appealing for a place in an infant class that already has 30 children.


How to appeal:

Download the Admissions Appeal form or contact asking for a copy of the form.

You need to complete and return the appeal form to OR Inspiration Trust, 28 Bethel Street Norwich, NR2 1NR by 26th May 2025.

Make sure you explain why you’re appealing for a place at the school and include any supporting information.


When the appeal hearing will take place:

Appeal hearings will be organised by the Local Authority on behalf of the Inspiration Trust. You will be invited to an appeal hearing in June or July 2025 (within 40 school days of the closing date for appeals). The hearing will be conducted by video call using Microsoft Teams, or by phone or using written submissions.

The Local Authority will inform you how and when your appeal will be heard at least 10 school days before the hearing takes place.


Appeals Timetable for Reception Class Place in 2025

National Offer Day 16th April 2025
Appeals closing date 26th May 2025

Appeal hearings to be held within 40 school days of the closing

date for appeals

June/July 2025


Further Information 

DfE School admissions appeal code  

NCC admission appeals