Ofsted Information

Norwich Primary Academy was rated Good when inspected by Ofsted in November 2019.

Ofsted found that Norwich Primary Academy is a school where pupils learn well. They said that pupils have a curriculum that helps them to learn more and remember more.

Pupils talk enthusiastically and confidently about their learning. Leaders set high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils understand, and mostly follow, those expectations. Those who find school more challenging recognise why rules are in place. Disruption in lessons is rare. Pupils say they are safe and well looked after at school. Parents and staff who spoke to us agree. Bullying is rare. Pupils trust teachers and say that any concerns they have are dealt with appropriately by adults in the school.

'All leaders share a strong vision to provide pupils with a rich and ambitious curriculum.' 


All pupils have access to a wide range of activities at lunchtimes, before school and after school. In this close-knit community, pupils know about different cultures. They learn about equality and they show respect towards each other.

Leaders want all pupils to aspire and appreciate opportunities open to them in the community and in the wider world. Pupils are spirited, enthusiastic and polite. Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, develop into confident and resilient individuals, and leave school ready for the next stage in their education.  

'The ‘NPA 100 books’ have been carefully selected and inspire pupils to love reading. Pupils are enthusiastic about their favourite authors. They can comment critically about the style and content of authors’ work.' 


Read the full Ofsted Report here 

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