In-Year Admissions

How to apply 

Applications made outside the normal admissions round (in-year transfer) must be made directly to the Inspiration Trust (admission authority). Parents/carers can apply for a place for their child at any time. If more applications are received than there are places available, the over-subscription criteria shall apply.  

 Please complete one application for each child by either completing: 

Inspiration Trust In Year Admission Application Form

All applications will be dealt with as quickly as possible, and you will be notified in writing of the decision within 15 school days.  

If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan you should not complete an ‘in-year transfer’ application. You should discuss a change of schools with your EHC plan co-ordinator. 


In-Year Transfer Appeal: 

If you have not been offered a place, the law entitles you to appeal against that decision to an Independent Appeal Panel. The panel is completely independent of the admission authority (Inspiration Trust) and the Local Authority. All appeals will be heard online, which has the advantage that your appeal can be heard from your home or place of work.

If you wish to appeal for a place in Reception, year 1 or year 2, please use this link to complete your appeal online.

If you wish to appeal for a place in years 3 – 6 please use this link to complete your appeal online

Please do NOT use ANY other appeal form or send your form to the local authority. It is suggested that you download the explanatory booklet about appeals which you should read before you complete the appeal form.  Those applying for a place in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 are advised to read the section in the appeal’s booklet which refer to Reception, years 1 and 2.

Booklet Link  

If you are appealing for a place in years RECEPTION, year 1 or year 2, you are advised to read the section in the booklet which refers to appeals for these years.

You should include any evidence or supporting material with your appeal form and you MUST give the grounds for your appeal at the time you lodge your appeal form. Your appeal form will not be accepted unless you state the grounds for your appeal. You may appeal for more than one academy.

Please note that the online form will ask you to download two utility bills dated in the last THREE months.  If you do not have access to a scanner, please take two photographs with a mobile phone and upload the photographic files.

Full details about the hearing will be sent to you with your invitation to the hearing.

If you wish to contact the clerk – email :

Timetable for appeals for in year applications is as follows:

Last day for lodging appeal forms following a refusal for a place an ‘in year’ or ‘mid-term’.

You must lodge the appeal form within 20 school days upon receipt of your letter of refusal. You MUST state the reasons for your appeal and supply documentary evidence at this stage. Appeals are held within 30 school days of receipt of the appeal form. 


Admissions Policy 2025

Admissions Policy 2026