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Art and creativity
We encourage creativity to boost mental health
At Norwich Primary Academy, art is a subject where pupils from all backgrounds find new ways of expressing themselves and of understanding the world.
We give our pupils the opportunity to explore their ideas by experimenting, inventing and creating their own varied works of art using a range of materials. They learn how to draw, paint, sculpt and explore other art, craft and design techniques. Another important aspect of our art and design curriculum is learning about how art has shaped our history and how it reflects it.
Our pupils are encouraged to practise their handling, moving and control skills (for example, by painting or using clay). We believe that all materials should be accessible for children to develop and explore their ideas and to be imaginative.
Within our art and design curriculum our pupils are learning about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own and others work.
Our pupils develop and improve their skills in drawing, painting and sculpture using a range of different materials. All pupils from Year 1 are expected to create sketch books to record their learning and to use them to review and revisit ideas. They continue to learn about great artists, architects and designers in history.
Our pupils have the use of a dedicated art room where they take their art lessons. The art room is used regularly for the majority of art lessons, with all it offers in terms of space, access to materials and tools, storage and display. The room is also used at lunchtime and after-school for art clubs led by staff and visiting artists.
Every year in the summer term we celebrate creativity with Arts Week. Pupils, staff and visiting artists come together and work on a series of projects following a collapsed timetable solely dedicated to art. Collaborative projects are produced and pupils learn about a variety of artist and art movements.
Annually Inspiration Trust celebrates Art Month and our trust truly believes in the value of arts and culture in education – our vision and ethos has culture at its very heart. Our pupils at Norwich Primary Academy flourish when they are given space for creativity.
How can I support my child with art?
1. Get messy!
Try to get hold of as many different types of drawing and painting resources as you can to let your child get creative and explore creating art using different materials. Paints, chalk, crayons, pens, pencils, modelling clay and much more can be found in discount shops. Just don’t forget to put lots of newspaper down first!
2. Use household objects creatively
Alternatively, instead of buying materials, let them get creative using things around the house – for example, pasta and pulses to create pictures using glue. You could even experiment with colour-changing art – find out more here.
3. Keep a sketch book
Encourage your child to keep a sketch book. Suggest that they take it with them when they go out so that they can look for things to sketch – a tree, a building, a scene. Alternatively, if they see something they would like to draw, take a photo on your phone and let them sketch from it when they are home.
4. Celebrate your child's art
Praise your child’s creations and encourage them not to get disheartened if they feel they have made ‘mistakes’. Explain that art is about being creative and trying out different things. There is no right or wrong way to do things. You could even ‘frame’ their work using coloured paper or card and create a little gallery on the kitchen wall or in their bedroom to display their work.
5. Discuss and enjoy art together
Find out about local art galleries or museums that you can visit with your child. Encourage them to talk about what they see and to share their opinions – about subject matter, colours, what materials the artist used, and so on.